Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

I love My Edit

My Edit

hehehe salah satu hobi ku juga edit edit sama kayak temen ku Adorada tapi editan nya dia gag ada yang nandingin deh. Edit tan ku juga bagus sih tapi yang ngomong bagus cuma aku doang hahaha tapi gag papa lah kam baru aja belajar cita cita ku kan juga pengen jadi editor gitu
nie salah satu editan ku

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

My friends

All My Best Friends
Oh ya aku punya banyak best friends mm... ini satu di antara nya

nama nya Adorada Pramessyah dia atlet renang loh... waw dai bener bener suka banget ngedit ngedit gitu dan editan nya keren banget..... aku jadi iri liat nya
liat foto nya di atas sendiri itu dia Adorada dan juga itu esitan "with Sepede" katnya dia sih....
pokok nya punya best friend kayak dia itu enak banget pokok nya

  • Adorada itu orang nya Kocak banget
  • Adorada itu lucu banget
  • Adorada itu enak di ajak ngomong
Pokok nya punya temen kayak Adorada have fun banget deh

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Philip Parham

Phillip is a strong competitor under that easygoing exterior. Raised as the oldest and only boy of three children, he began to be concerned about his body image at a young age.Amy, 20 years ago, he weighed 185 pounds.Desperate to be a better husband and a healthier father for his sons, Phillip has vowed to get trim and healthy!

Charismatic and fun, Phillip and Amy are a married couple determined to win people over with their positive attitudes and competitive spirits. this couple is ready to add new chapters to their lives as they lose weight and get in shape together! Look out for these two because together they make a powerful team!

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Amy Parham

Amy is very competitive and knows how to set a goal and reach it. She and Phillip were the top agents at their realty company last year. Her youngest son was diagnosed with autism five years ago.

Charismatic and fun, Phillip and Amy are a married couple determined to win people over with their positive attitudes and competitive spirits. this couple is ready to add new chapters to their lives as they lose weight and get in shape together! Look out for these two because together they make a powerful team!

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Shellay Cremen
Shellay is a loving wife, mother and a great friend. She is always the person you can call on if you need anything. She has been a stay-at-home mom most of her married life and would like to look for a job, but she has lost confidence in herself because of her weight.She wakes up in the morning, thinking she will surf the web for a job, but ends up surfing the fridge for food instead.

Shellay and Amy are a mother/daughter team who love each other, believe in each other, support each other and encourage each other. These two are ready to be transformed, no matter what the cost! Shelley was always the "cool" mom when Amy was growing up, while Amy was the funny daughter.

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Amy Cremen
Amy has her mom's sense of humor. She is a very talented girl, with an amazing voice. She works full time in the purchasing department of an automotive company, she takes college classes online for her bachelor's degree, and goes to cosmetology school in the evenings. Most of her meals are eaten from a fast food drive thru. She has battled her weight since middle school, and has never been able to get a grip on it.Shellay and Amy are a mother/daughter team who love each other, believe in each other, support each other and encourage each other. These two are ready to be transformed, no matter what the cost! Shelley was always the "cool" mom when Amy was growing up, while Amy was the funny daughter.

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Renee has always struggled with her weight. She remembers her dad calling her a "Fat Tomato" as a child and it is something that has always stuck with her. She feels that giving birth to five children has been hard on her body as she has gained and lost weight from each child.Renee has since remarried and feels the extra weight she carries is a burden to the relationship; she lacks energy and it hurts their social life together.These two look more like sisters than mother and daughter. When Renee divorced Michelle's father, she did not speak to her mother for over six years.

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Michelle Aguilar
Michelle is the winner of Biggest Loser 6
The idea of dieting and losing weight has been something Michelle has always feared. She has felt over the years that a diet would control her and not let her live her life. Since then, she has realized just how important it is, and knows at 26 years old, it has been just the opposite.Her weight has been controlling her life in another way-holding her back from living a full life. She has a beautiful face, but she knows she is not the total package on the outside until she drops to her ideal weight.

She go to the campus of Biggest Loser 6 with her mom,Renne.These two look more like sisters than mother and daughter. When Renee divorced Michelle's father, she did not speak to her mother for over six years.

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Jerry Skeabeck

Jerry is a dedicated father who has always worked hard for everything in his life. He ishonest, outgoing, funny and has a huge heart. Working as a police officer for over 25 years, Jerry has had to balance the wacky shift schedules along with the stress that comes with the job. But Jerry suffers from multiple health risks. He could possibly be the most unfit person to walk on the Biggest Loser campus.Trying to keep up with his kids over the years has become difficult, and Jerry has had to miss out on many things in their lives due to his weight.As a hardworking, fun and dedicated father/daughter duo, both are motivated to start living the best possible life by being healthy and fit. A true equation for entertainment, these two will inspire you with their drive for life. Both born and raised in Cleveland, they are not only good company, but great competition. Jerry feels that with the help and inspiration he gets from Coleen, together they will be unstoppable!

Contestant of Biggest Loser 6

Coleen Skeabeck
Coleen is the second of four children in her family, but the only child who is overweight. Coleen has struggled with her weight since her early teen years. Being the only overweight child in her family has been tough on her. Never really feeling comfortable in her skin, Coleen searched for other ways to take the focus off of her weight.Growing up on fast food and quick-fix meals, Coleen began to pack on the pounds at a young age. Sitting at a desk and snacking all day is all part of her daily routine as a receptionist.

As a hardworking, fun and dedicated father/daughter duo, both are motivated to start living the best possible life by being healthy and fit. A true equation for entertainment, these two will inspire you with their drive for life.

Senin, 12 April 2010

Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels

Oh My God..........
Sapa sih yang gak tau Bob and Jillian??? ya apun mereka itu Trainer of Biggest Loser dan mereka itu bener bener nice hihihihihihi........
badan mereka itu keker tau.... hi.... jadi takut deh hehehehehe.........

About Bob Harper:
Nama asli nya itu Robert Harper (kenapa ya jadi Bob Harper?) hihihihi
dia lahir di Nashville, TN
Profesi nya dia Fitness Trainer di Biggest Loser
gitu deh tentang Bob Harper
Liat foto nya Bob yang sebelah kanan keren banget kan...

kita lanjut ke Jillian Michaels ya

About Jillian Michaels:
Nama nya Ya Jillian Michaels ya sapa lagi?
Dia Lahir di Los Angeles,CA
Profesi nya personal Trainer
dan foto nya Jillian yang sebelah kiri nice ya.....

Alison Sweeney

Sapa sih yang gag tau sama Alison Sweeney ??? dia itu orang yang bener bener nge top banget di Negara nya. Ssst.... dia juga salah satu idola aku loh hahhaha.......

Nah ini dia biodata nya....

Alison Sweeney was born on September 19 1976 in Los Angeles, California
Alison first in the entertainment in a Kodak she was 5 years old wow nice.......
Sst....... Alison appearing on the celebrity of NBC's fear factor she so panic attack while being placed in a coffin with worms Oh may Gos Worms........

And i love Alison because she is soo beautiful and she is a host of Biggest Loser

kamu bisa liat foto Alison kan di belakang nya foto nya ada tulisan Biggest Loser Campus nah di situ deh dia bawa in acara Biggest Loser

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

My Idol

I have a Idol
she is so nice and beautiful

Hay she is my Idol, she is so beautiful, nice and look like. Her name is COLEEN SKEABECK she is so strong girl. she has a Lovely dad, his name is JERRY SKEABECK. Coleen is contestant of Biggest loser 6. She is yellow team and then she go to Biggest Loser with her Dad. She has a best friends, her name is Amy Cremen. they are so beautiful and nice girls.
you can see Coleen at the picture. What do you think about her?
Beautiful?, nice?, or.......
I think you say COLEEN IS BEATIFUL!!!!!
I love this picture. This picture when Coleen in Biggest Loser 6 hmm.... i have a picture of Coleen and her best friend Amy Cremen...

My Idol

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Temen temen sekolah....

Temen temen sekolah aku
School...... School...... School.......
in School i have many friends and i love all my friends, all my friends its so funny.
pengen buat ketawa aja temen temen ku ada yang kayak Doraemon (Athiyya), ada yang kayak vokalis nya Geisha (mylla), ada yang kayak artis ( Nonik), ada yang kayak orang Jepang (gaby) ada juga yang bener bener suka dan mempelajari Jepang (Tesa), ada juga yang perenang (Adorada) dan Nia
Haduh..... banyak banget deh sampek bingung aku hahahahaa...........
pokok nya kelas pojok itu nice and fun penuh kreatifitas dan imajinasi hahahaha............

Biggest Loser 6

I think you are know Biggest Loser 6 (sok Inggris)

tahu kan Biggest Loser 6 ya emang sih ada beberapa season tapi aku lebih suka Biggest Loser 6 soal nya semua contestant nya cantik cantik dan ganteng ganteng hahahaha.......
contoh nya pasangan Dad and Daughter yaitu Coleen Skeabeck and Jerry Skeabeck mereka memang pasangan yang bener bener pas banget deh.... KLOP
oh ya masing masing di bagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok parent with children and wife and husband dan masing masing dari kelompok iyu mempunyai trainer loh seru banget trainer nya bernama Bob And Jillian .